Register for the 2023

August 21-25, 2023
Monday-Friday, 8:30am -1:00pm

A one-week, morning arts program for children age 6 -12. Each day is full of singing, dancing, theatrics, art projects, excursions to local sites, and a culminating performance on the final day. Based at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Gloucester with excursions to Cape Ann Museum and Schooner Adventure.

To register, you can fill out the online form below. If you prefer to register by mail or email, click here to download the registration form. Follow instructions on the form.

TUITION: $150 per child; $100 per each additional child in the household (Tuition includes 5 mornings of instruction,music & art materials, snack, Cape Ann Museum workshop, Schooner Adventure sail.) Payments can be made by Venmo to @capeannartsalive or a personal check may be mailed to Cape Ann Arts Alive, 9 Norwood Ave, Rockport MA 01966.

For scholarship assistance please contact: Directors at CAAA,

Online Registration Form